Hey it's me,


Change Madagascar, one line at a time

Learning how to code helped me expand my mind and approach challenges in a more logical way which creates a style of thinking and problem-solving ability that has proven successful for both my academic and personal growth.

About Me

I am Jacquit Francois Valentino Ratongamanahaja, a web developer from Madagascar. I'm studying to be a professional programmer at Onja, a social enterprise focused on delivering social change through educational empowerment of underprivileged youth. I started studying at Onja in January 2019. After a year of learning English, I began my journey into coding, starting with HTML and CSS followed by JavaScript, React and now React Native and TypeScript. Coming from a background where I did not have any opportunities to learn about modern technology and coding, I had to start my journey learning to code the hard way. Looking ahead, I am very passionate about learning new technologies. I look forward to furthering my knowledge by learning new languages, exploring new fields of computer science and building meaningful applications.



E-commerce international trading platform

This real-world project is an online platform that will help people in Madagascar sell their products globally. It uses React, Redux, TypeScript, postman, graphQL and Node.js. I am mainly focused on user registration.

ReactTypeScriptGraphQLPostmanRedux toolkitNode.js

Fylo Landing page

This app is built with a combination of HTML and CSS. I built this app individually from scratch, and the goal was to practice my experience in building responsive page using semantic HTML. From building this app I learned to create a responsive and accessible page.


Birthday App

This app is built with a combination of HTML, CSS and Vanilla JavaScript. It displays lists of people’s birthdays, which you can filter by names or months. You can also add new people, as well as edit and delete the existing ones. Building this app helped me to understand more about concepts like filtering and DOM manipulation as well as working with libraries like DateFNS for date handling.

HTMLCSS Vanilla Javascript
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My E-Mail
mailto: dev@onja.org
© 2021 Jacquit